Nicole Carty has two graduate degrees in Speech-Language Therapy. She received her first from the University of Neuchâtel in Switzerland, in 2003 ("Diplôme d'orthophonie-logopédie"), and her second from the University of Montréal, in 2006 ("Maîtrise professionnelle en orthophonie").
Nicole Carty Speech-Language Therapist is a respected member of the OOAQ; she ensures both excellent quality of professional services and the highest standards of continuing education.​
Consultant in oral and written language development with the ​cognitive-socialization approach. Specialized in intervention with people with Down syndrome. Welcomes multicultural clients.
Founder of The Language Clinic and co-founder of the non-lucrative blogs Striving for Excellence in Clinical Practice and Informed Parents. A member of the Québec Association for Speech-Language therapists and Audiologists (AQOA).Volunteer work aiming at the enrichment of clinical practice in Speech-Language Therapy.
Nicole Carty speaks fluent English and French and offers services in both languages.